Post and rail
Fast forward from class of '62 to now

AFTER the family had spoken it was my turn. When I looked to the back of the room there were 80 people standing, mostly around 80 years of age.

On a quick estimate I reckoned we shared 6,400 years of lived experience, wisdom, work and service to others, even within Keynes’ notions about death and taxes. The birthday party (not mine) was held in Melbourne.

In recent years, as a community on the Monaro, we have discussed the dignity and needs of our elderly, vulnerable and frail in the context of local, state and federal support. I note that to date the proposed new Federal Aged Care Act has not been legislated.

In another context, the feature article on Elder Law and Supported Decision Making (SDM) was published in the Victorian Law Institute Journal in November 2023.

“A national legislative framework, access to education and the provision of oversight will potentially reduce risks associated with supported decision making and protect at-risk persons."

To date a national SDM Framework does not presently exist. There is work to do on scope and delivery.

Recently in Cooma the Men’s Probus Club presented an aged care forum and the Snowy Mountains U3A held an open workshop to discuss aged care support and challenges. These were well attended meetings, highlighting the complexity and concerns of our community.

We need to talk, we need to act, we need new ideas and perspectives ahead of the rising tide.

There is work to do to address these foreseeable demands. There is a time to speak and it’s now. Watch this space!

Elizabeth Laught
